It's all gone mobile Web Design
In 2012 we saw an average of 15-25% of mobile visitors to our client’s website (viewing their Google Analytics stats). However, there were some websites that had months where they were averaging 30% or more mobile traffic!
It is important we are optimizing those mobile visitor’s experience. We do this by leveraging multiple technologies to load smaller image files that scale to the appropriate dimensions (to help make the pages load faster), scale the text to make it easier to read, change the site's menus to make it easier to navigate, avoid loading heavy JavaScripted libraries and more. These techniques help make the pages scale to fit in any screen (handheld, tablet, small laptop, desktops or even TVs), help make the pages load faster, make the menu easier to navigate with your fingers on mobile devices and much more. So no more annoying "pinch-n-zooming" to view content and faster loading times!